Sterilite issue

Sterlite issue was there for more than 20 years. When I was working at TAC at my twenties, I remember many slogans, posters and banners against Sterlite in the roads of Tuticorin, but very few bothered them. There was a talk there that whenever any political party or politica person need money, they would start shouting against Sterlite. No need to mention here who might be that! Two friends working at Sterlite were my room-met and they said Sterlite was very stable and smooth in day-to-day operation.

Now again Sterlite issue started in Tuticorin since the management was into expansion it seems. This time it won’t be easy to Sterlite to overcome this as the social media is very powerful as it can spread any riot type news very easily. Eg Jallikkattu. Pro-communist mood!

Not only Sterlite, Even SPIC and TAC were creating pollution, may be now too, if TAC is functioning now. No doubt about this. But the respective managements will come up with statistics showing they are very much well under the permissible limits of the pollution control board and of course Sterlite also would do the same.

I remember one movement was there at Tuticorin in 2000s agitating all the jobs in Sterlite must be given only to Tamils. When there was an agitation to close down the industry itself claiming its hazardous, there was yet other agitation demanding the job in the same company! Irony.

Its better to regulate any company rather than closing it down.


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